Sunday, 16 October 2016


Finally this year's bake off has a technical challenge that actually felt like a challenge!  I'd never heard of  a marjolaine and probably won't make it again as the layers of daquoise, praline butter cream and ganache is far too sweet.  However I'd never made daquoise or a french butter cream before so it was good to try some new techniques and I was pleased to make something that looked reasonable.

I did quite enjoy pottering around the kitchen for an afternoon, but was very glad I didn't have to complete it in 3 hours, which would have been very stressful - especially as I'd run out of piping bags so the ganache was a bit of a mess.

The full recipe is here but although I enjoyed the challenge of making new things it's not worth the calories.

Daquoise, Praline Buttercream, Ganache and Nuts - just need to be assembled

Quite pleased with the layers and that it stayed upright!

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